Source Code


(adjective) Industrial or effective

This machine is really deedy!

by Lol Memes ;) August 4, 2020


Eukaryote: (n.) an organism consisting of a cell or cells in which the genetic material is DNA in the form of chromosomes contained in a distinct nucleus. Eukaryotes include all living organisms other than the eubacteria and archaea.

The cells of the eukaryote were the basis for the organism's life.

by Lol Memes ;) August 5, 2020


A glowing ring above someone's head, usually wore by angels. The light it emits is usually yellow or white.

Wait. How did you get a halo?

by Lol Memes ;) August 4, 2020

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ROBLOX Islands

A game in ROBLOX. Was banned in July 12th but was back on July 17th. Created on Late-April, 2020. Has over 300 Million visits. You can have 150,000,000,000 Coins at most. You start off in a small Island which you have to build to the portal. The Tidal Spellbook is the rarest item in-game. The point of the game is pretty much to give free Industrial Smelters to everyone when you are in end-game (not The Avengers one, see Avengers: Endgame ), free Washing Machines, recreate Mega Fun Obby inside Islands, give out free Tidal Spellbooks, free Totems... etc, etc.

Julia: Dude! ROBLOX Islands is so sick!
Kim: Yeah, too bad I can't play it because my mom says "Don't play ROBLOX" and so I seriously hate her.

by Lol Memes ;) August 2, 2020

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ROBLOX Bee Swarm Simulator

A game in Roblox where you can tame bees and defeat mobs. You start off with a Basic Bee Egg, and no bees. You have to hatch the Egg. Just drag the Egg to your Hive! You can also receive and complete quests to get a reward from a questgiver. There are 6 types of bee rarities: Common (only Basic Bee), Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythic, and Event Bees! Higher rarity usually means that they have more attack damage (in this case, Baby Bee in the Legendary rarity doesn't attack mobs, so if your first bee is a Baby Bee, you won't be able to defeat any mobs), more energy (Exhausted Bee and Photon Bee in the Epic and Event rarity, has unlimited energy), and more speed when converting pollen to honey! Honey is the main currency in BSS, and it can buy many things. So, let's talk about mobs. Mobs can kill you (don't worry, you won't lose all your stuff), and your bees can kill them! Killing large amounts of mobs are required to complete Panda Bear's quests. Some has 10 HP, some has over a million! So, more bees are required to defeat the most strongest mobs. You can also use some of your items in your inventory. There are also codes. You can redeem codes in the Settings Page. Some valid codes as of August 3rd are: Mocito100T, Wax, Wink, 38217, Connoisseur , Cog, Roof, Bopmaster, BeesBuzz123 and more!

Gary: Dude, how did you know this game? This game in ROBLOX?
Pony: Yeah, I know ROBLOX Bee Swarm Simulator is so fun. That's why I recommended it to you.
Gary: Again, thank you.

by Lol Memes ;) August 4, 2020

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ROBLOX Mining Simulator

A game in Roblox where you have to mine blocks and ores, sell them, buy new tools, buy crates, buy eggs, use codes, rebirth, and get rebirth tokens! The point is to discover a secret hidden within the ground; a quest giver! He is in the Mainland, just under the ground! It gives you a safe at the lobby after you complete its one quest. You have to type in your profile ID to get the Shiny Galacticorn, a Galacticorn or a Royal Top Hat. It depends what is your rank of getting it. Anyways, some codes are Isaac, Español, Rebirth, FutureMSOwner, Trails, and more!

Polly: So, have you mined Rainbowite before, Jennifer?
Jennifer: No, what is that?
Polly: It is an ore in ROBLOX Mining Simulator! The rarest ore! Ugh!!!

by Lol Memes ;) August 3, 2020


Stereo Madness, Back on Track, Polargeist, Dry Out, Base After Base, Can't Let Go, Jumper, Time Machine, Cycles, xStep

Hayden: Dude, what levels have you won in GD?

by Lol Memes ;) November 19, 2020