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Stupid bitch who acts nice but will stab you in the back. She pretends she’s ugly to get attention. Never befriend an Emma

Ex. Boy:1 “Emma’s so pretty, should I ask her out?” Boy:2 “no bro she’s an Emma”

by Lolyouallsuck420 July 4, 2020

1👍 4👎


A little place filled with rich bratty kids who think they are the shit. Teenagers from Tsawwassen like to make fun of Ladner kids because they are insecure and gay.

Many girls think they are depressed and just want dick in their bum.

Ex. “can we not go to Tsawwassen their all snakes”

Ex. “Ew Tsawwassen people are so greasy”

Ex. “omg I’m so drunk I’m blacking out” (only had one hey y’all)

by Lolyouallsuck420 September 8, 2018

15👍 14👎


A little town that is known as the ferry terminal or for the ‘twas commons because it literally has nothing else. The people are probably the reason that it sucks. Many Tsawwassen people are fags, snakes or filthy rich with 27 inch sticks in their assholes. Don’t recommend. 0-10

Ricky: fuck going to Tsawwassen that shits a waste of your time.
Girl: omg let’s get loaded!! Is sourpuss and Smirnoff ice good?? 1 can gets me blackout.
Derek: dude lets go pretend we know how to smoke weed because we are pussy as fuck


by Lolyouallsuck420 January 5, 2019

2👍 5👎