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To turn any small, unnecessary thing into a large deal. It is a common symptom of the disease LBS (Little Bitch Syndrome).

Typically shown through overreacting, annoying behaviour, the "I am always right" mentality, and an incessant need to complain about every little thing in their life.

Friend 1: Want to come study at the library today?
Friend 2: Sure, let me shower and get my books.
Friend 3: Thanks for the invite.
Friend 1: I invited you, do you want to come?
Friend 3: No, I have a lot of blisters on my feet
Friend 1: Can you stop Junify-ing everything?

by LoopyEngineer February 3, 2018

1👍 1👎

watched movies

What you tell your friends to trick them when you are caught sleeping with someone they know, even though it is so blatantly obvious that you slept together. Very futile trick yet the 'perpetrator' is typically convinced of its effectiveness.

Friend 1: I saw that "Insert name here" stayed over last night, was she in your room?

Friend 2: *Thinks so self 'Oh no they caught me I gotta be clever'* Yeah we just watched movies until we both fell asleep
Friend 1: So you slept in the same bed?
Friend 2: Yeah but I swear we only watched movies
Friend 1: Yeah sure man *wink* that's why there's a condom wrapper on the bottom of your bed

by LoopyEngineer February 3, 2018