An extremely vigorous back handed masturbation performed by a wife on her husband while he is still half asleep
I was dozing off when I asked my wife what the time was. You can imagine my surprise when she produced the bohemian wristwatch
Usually a retired elderly couple with too much time on their hands and nothing better to do than give their neighbours grief. The husband is often hen pecked with the wife taking the lead. Can often be seen standing in the street or backyard writing down licence plate numbers or scowling at party goers.
âHey boysâ did you see the old slut standing out in the street recording visitors coming to the house? Thatâs absolutely tomtrishous behaviour.
A larger older manly looking woman. Possibly a relative or close family friend that is so large and manly looking that she could be mistaken for practicing transvestism
I saw Aunty the other day. Oh my goodness sheâs changed so much I believe sheâs now in the realms of auntytransbevism
A type of spiral noodle made from zucchini
I feel like pasta tonight but instead I am making zudooles and bolognese sauce