Source Code


This numerical value is a combination of 100 and 109 . Together as one entity the definition according to pre scripture texts is

"Symbolic joining of 2 rampant forces of the same elementary design. One Fire that joins another fire that is seperated by the number 9 in any way will burn conjoined for 9 days then seperated for 9 months and then a new fire shall be born

100109 days of fire yet no smoke
Burn and Iearn before your earn!

by Lord Diaz May 26, 2022


Fried, never denied, never lied, always tried, haters cried

Plenty came plenty tried, some got fried, they say some died. Nobody lied when he sighed - as poetic with with pride his crackness rhymed, when his love was denies they cried!
Diaz - lord of mankind

by Lord Diaz June 2, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Oxazepam is a short-to-intermediate-acting benzodiazepine. Oxazepam is used for the treatment of anxiety and insomnia and in the control of symptoms of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Wikipedia
Formula: C15H11N2O2Cl
Molar mass: 286.71 g/mol
Soluble in: Water
Metabolism: Hepatic (glucuronidation)
ATC code: N05BA04 (WHO)
Bioavailability: 92.8%
Elimination half-life: 6รขย€ย“9 h

Serapax - Sarah peebles (serap) Alex (ax)
Technical description - 2 tablets = 1 cracked combined persons(2)

by Lord Diaz March 10, 2022