Source Code


1) Write him/her back; used when someone writes/e-mails to someone he or she is interested in; then when that special someone reports this to his/her friends, the friends say, "WHB!"
2) Win him/her back; used when someone breaks up w/ another individual (or vice versa), and that someone's friends are trying to encourage that someone's friends to revive the relationship.

1) bimbogirl653@domain.com: "Oh like this guy wrote me, I think he like is totally hot and he definitely digs me! What should I do?!"
bimbogirlsfriend653@domain.com: "WHB!"

2) bimbogirl653@domain.com: "I don't know, like, he's a pain in the butt but I still like him, it's only been, like, a week and stuff, I don't know what to do!"
bimbogirlsfriend653@domain.com: "WHB!"

by Lord Nader January 29, 2006

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