Jewles is a new measurement of energy created in Germany which results in the amount of energy approximately needed to convert 1 standard Jewish person to ash. Not to be mistaken with Joules or Calories
"Jewles is the energy required to successfully convert a Jew into a pile of ash given that his pockets have been emptied from excess change before introduced to the....'shower'.."- Unkown Nazi Scientist, Treblinka, 1943
Hans: "Claus, would you kindly tell me how many 'jewles' where used in ze 'final solution'? " *wink wink*
Claus: "Wasn't it around 6 Megajewles?"
Hans: "Ja! but ze correct answer was 'Not Enough' !!"
Claus: "Ach Du Lieber Gott, Hans, I regret not leaving you for dead in Stalingrad..."