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verb - to gibbin - the act of making someone feel uneasy as a result of unwanted advances.

adjective - gibbinesque

adverb - gibbinly

" He was starting to gibbin her with his suggestive emails "

" The unwanted attention bordered on the gibbinesque"

-Believed to be North London in origin and a possible corruption of "givin me the creeps" - givin becoming gibbin. The perpetrator is a 'gibbiner', whilst the unlucky recipient is a 'gibbinee'. The majority of gibbiners are male.

by Lord Sproston July 24, 2009

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A form of communication (both written and oral) in which the user diverts from the intended topic of discussion as a means of avoiding committting themselves to a definite answer. This diversionary tactic is normally accompanied by misspellings and a very low standard of grammar designed to further confuse and infuriate the questioner.

" I asked him a simple question and 30 minutes later he was still talking collinese"

" He was asked for a straightforward 'yes or no' and replied with a 'nes' !!"

by Lord Sproston July 24, 2009

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An individual who has been entrusted to manage a project but does so by merely forwarding emails to third parties asking them to do the work.

"He's such a malcthomp - he spends the morning just clicking the forward button on Microsoft Outlook then spends the afternoon in the garden while we do the work."

Believed to be scottish in origin from the Nairn region, although in the Forth Valley area referred to as a 'malcy'

by Lord Sproston July 24, 2009