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A cd short for compact disc is an ancient relic used by literally everyone in the 2000s to store audio and mp3 files rather than using a tape

Look i got that jungle classics cd tha tg was just released

by Lord spacula October 31, 2022


A word used by white people that think they're black

wagwan how you doing

by Lord spacula October 31, 2022

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Quite an abusive term used to describe a homosexual

Oh you're so bent

by Lord spacula October 31, 2022

Nigel farage

Drug dealer

Nigel farage made a cameo advertising drugs

by Lord spacula October 31, 2022

79๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big man ting

Black english street slang often used as a greeting to a mate

Oiiiiii big man ting how ya doin

by Lord spacula October 31, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


English street slang used to refer to a prostitute or slag

Did you hear claire's been giving out suckjobs to almost every bloke in the estate

รขย€ยขyeah i know she's a right sket isn't she

by Lord spacula October 31, 2022