A homosexual Twitch streamer who has a small penis and should listen to LordSuperSucc more often and become a full-time ROBLOX streamer.
SymSC is the elite hacker known as 4Chan.
The headless head giver and main dev for all Pinewood Builders related things. Which includes Kronos, a multi-purpose program for Pinewood that always refuses to fucking load keybinds properly.
""""""Owner"""""" and Architect of The Mayhem Syndicate (TMS), an African-based terrorist group created to fight a private army owned by a British quintillionaire with red eyes.
Dynamic Gameplayâ¢
He also likes trains or something.
Coasterteam fucked my dad and trello-banned me for calling a Captain a nonce.
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SymSC's most trusted advisor and best potential moderator. Has never posted cringe and can probably beat everyone at Smash Bros.
LordSuperSucc is epic and radical like radical islam.
A thirsty Twitch user who does nothing in life except post cringe in song requests and try to impregnate SymSC.