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To actually get killed by electricity not just electrocuted.

If you play with high voltage power lines you will be electrikilled.

by Lorilou Tory August 6, 2018

Habit hiders

Sunglasses that hide all the habits you've been indulging in Like blood shot eyes from smoking weed.

Danny bro your eyes are red. Want to wear my habit hiders?

by Lorilou Tory August 15, 2022


A situation that is about to become an issue if not resolved.

If this this situation continues, it will be an issuation.

by Lorilou Tory April 13, 2020

Technically not my friend

When you are Unable to be my friend and help me with my current technical difficulties.

I like micah, but hes technically not my friend because he hasn't hooked my stereo up yet like he promised.

by Lorilou Tory April 13, 2020

2👍 1👎


A rigid, mean, grouchy, bitchy, pissy additude.

Micah is being crusty because I tricked him again

by Lorilou Tory April 13, 2020