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A strange attraction to obnoxious rich fascists; usually can be heard chanting "Make America Great Again" and "Grab 'em by the pussy". These types can be identified easily by their low i.q. and gullibility.

Magasexuals are the new N.I.M.B.Y. crowd.

by Lou Cypher October 12, 2018

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Let's Go Brandon

This is supposedly a phrase that pedophiles use to identify each other in public and on social media platforms.

"Let's Go Brandon"... Donald Trump is my Jesus.

by Lou Cypher November 17, 2022

37πŸ‘ 1843πŸ‘Ž


Refers to an individual who gets his/her news exclusively from Fox news and only Fox news. These types can be easily identified with their red MAGA baseball cap, protruding beer belly and rambling posts regarding second amendment rights and immigrants with steady employment.

Most Trump supporters are Foxists

by Lou Cypher April 20, 2020

yuppie fag

A guy who thinks wearing a Pink Izod Shirt to a biker bar is a good idea .
a yuppie with no money who sucks the ass of his corperate idols so he may be allowed to exist as a metrosextual .

Someone who SELF appoints themselves to something .

P1 oh my god that it's that guy who walks around my deparment all the time .is he uppermangement .
P2 no , just some Yuppie fag who acts like he is .

P1 Does Ophra have a Masters degree is Phycology?
P2 No she's just some famous Yuppie Fag ,who makes up
disorders for people

by Lou Cypher July 19, 2006

24πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


a woman who insists on talking about all her friends problems useing half understood talkshow phycology as a knowledge base .Usually loudly in public.
in everyone elses business

P1 "and my sister was molested by the same guy i was molested by at age 12 , we did an internet serch on him , oh yay, that was after my parents divorce,and my first beer"
P2 wow,what do you want me to tell you . go cry on Ophras shoulder

by Lou Cypher July 19, 2006

9πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Allendale a small NJ suburb that no one will be able to afford living in in 5 years, because they want to be like 90120.
Every other house has a for sale sign on it

P1"I'm rebuilding my house in Allendale ."
P2 "Really ,me too, i'm leveling mine down to the foundation , and building a McMansion ."
P1 "i thought you allready have a McMansion?"
P2 "i know , but ,it's too small. My accountant says i can use it as a tax write off"
P1 "really ?What's his phone number "

by Lou Cypher July 17, 2006

39πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

Yuppie take over

When a group of young Urban professionals "and the town council raises taxes systematicly .This is done by putting millions into the school system , then building McMansions everywhere. Property taxes double almost immediately . All the Old timers and lower median income people must sell out .

P1 The Mayor just built himself a McMansion and layed off half the cops
P2 sounds like a Yuppie take over , next they'll tare down the movie theatre and build a book store
P1 is there a law against puching someone with glasses
P2 ofcourse, it's a second degree offense !

by Lou Cypher July 19, 2006

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž