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Acronym for an Urban Dictionary Certified Professional. Basically, one who is lucky enough and/or excels at getting entries accepted by Urban Dictionary.

Steven, your GISP is meaningless when compared to the accomplishments of Garth. I mean, dude, stop including it in every e-mail you send me. Garth is a true scholar as proven by his UDCP credentials. It even trumps Kyle's MBA and Nintendo DS masters.

by Lovell from UT November 8, 2010


The sexual act where you spread your partners rectal flaps with the knuckles of your index and fore finger, then cum with the screwball on a count of two balls and one strike.

The bases were loaded so I slipped her a knuckleball. Garth, she definitely won't be walking home any time soon. Two balls, on strike, and I'm out - she was like WTF!

by Lovell from UT November 4, 2010

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

bieber beaver

When a chick's vag looks like she stuffed Justin Bieber's head in it face first. In other words, a pubic Amazon jungle.

I cum face-to-face with a bieber beaver last night at the party. So, whaddya do? I bushwhacked my way right in and back out with a wooly mammoth mount, you know how I roll!

by Lovell from UT November 8, 2010

6πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

depth charge

A turd whose shear mass is capable of cracking the bowl with magnanimous porcelain pounding force. However, the danger does not end there. If upon flushing, the centrifugal force is set slightly askew, then there is an astronomical chance of an unexpected storm surge.

Dude, I did not dare flush at the hotel this morning after dropping a depth charge. I just left a twenty on the upper deck with a note apologizing to Lupe.

by Lovell from UT November 10, 2010

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

anaconda vortex

An asshole where nothing bigger than a pea can ever be passed. The holy grail of anal sex. If you dare to enter, resulting in marks on one's johnson that look like severe rug burn.

Did you hear what Carl unleashed on George last night in the upstairs office? The full fury of the anaconda vortex was in effect!

by Lovell from UT October 21, 2010

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

BCL Baller

The undisputed & uber homo leader of the BCL "Butt Conga Line" - he lives to initiate the act and typically walks w/ a defined limp from frequent butt scorchings.

Blake is such a BCL Baller! Yeah, he should be strutting his asshole out on Dancing with the Stars.

by Lovell from UT October 21, 2010

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Florida State Semenhole

Not to be confused with the Florida State Seminoles - though a tomahawk chop and chanting are involved. Dropping your load in the face of your partner followed by spreading it on their face like war paint. Typically, right before climax you begin to chant, plant your sword in your partners face, and finish with the tomahawk chop just like Chief Osceola.

Dude, what the actual fuck are you doing? Hey, I'm getting my chant & tomahawk chop on - sounds like Adam is frosting another donut Florida State Semenhole style.

by Lovell from UT November 2, 2010

34πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž