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Muslims are people who follow the monotheistic religion of Islam. They are not a satanic cult that want to wipe Christianity and Judaism off this planet, no. Instead, they are normal, peaceful people just like everyone else who wake up, drink coffee, go to work, spend time with family. These are the REAL Muslims. FAKE Muslims are those assholes who brainwash young guys to blow shit up (Osama). Those guys just happen to be terrorists, and same goes for the assholes blowing stuff up in the 90s, those guys just happen to be white. I'm not trying to turn you against anybody, so don't go and somehow tie bad stuff with me. What people say about the Quran, the holy book of Islam, is not true at all. First off, over three fourths of them don't even know what the fuck the Quran says, and looks up translations from the Internet, which is also filled with bullshit about Islam. Come to think of it, those terrorists are like the rednecks of America, they are unedumacated, they always blow something up, and they have the worst accent in their languages. If you hear a normal Arabian girl, say in Dubai, talk, there is a 99.99% chance you will jizz your pants. Same with a normal American girl, you hear them talk, you jizz your pants (I don't know about you, but I'm a sucker for voices). But anyways, yeah, that's pretty much what you need to know. Lets summarize this shit, Muslims are not all terrorists, just like all other races.

White guy: Hey dude look at that Muslim over there, lets stay away from him.
White guy 2: Yeah man, seriously, those guys are cool as shit, just talk to them for a while.
Brown guy: Im used to this bro.
Asian guy: I berieve that from our position, China is exactly 45* West of us.

by Lover of All 69 April 29, 2013

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