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A Sneal is a quick, convenient, portable, high-quality single serving that gives you healthy nutrition. Sneal is a term coined by Dr. Ray Powell, Medical Director of Physicians Plan Weight Management Medical Clinic that helps people lose weight by eating right. The most frequent problem Dr. Powell experiences with people trying to lose weight is that they are not eating enough. They starve themselves, then overeat, throwing off their body's metabolism. Instead, he recommends they enjoy a Sneal every 2-3 hours to help their body maintain the right energy level without adding weight. More specifically he defines a sneal as a good carbohydrate (fruits and veggies) AND a LEAN Protein OR just a LEAN Protein in the Range of 60 to 250 calories.

Sneal - "More than a snack, less than a meal" or "I'm starving; I'm going to grab a quick sneal before we head into that meeting."

by Low Carb Dieter July 23, 2008

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