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Its a morally conscious site, but only encourages sucking up. Once you hit elite status, you can 'Tag' posts that aren't fit for the sheltered player's eyes.

The only way you'll ever been anything on Powerpets is if you suck up to the staff and mods. They'll tag your boards and give you warnings before you even know what you did wrong, especially if you are new! And their art sucks. The animals don't even look like animals, just cheap cartoons.

The flash takes forever to load, too.

Newbie: 'Hey guys I'm new to Powerpets. How are you doin?'

*TAGGED by at least 5 players*

Newbie:'What did I do?'

Them:'You said the word /doin/. That's chatspeak. You're getting reported for that.'

by Lscha May 14, 2007

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