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A friend that is also a breast cancer survivor

I went to the Flattie’s Ball with my breasties!

by Lsears July 27, 2020

4👍 3👎


A breast cancer survivor that chooses to stay flat and not to have reconstruction

She went to the Flattie’s ball with others that also chose to stay flat and not have anymore surgeries after their double mastectomy

by Lsears July 27, 2020

1👍 1👎


A breast cancer survivor that is FLAT after a mastectomy. It can be a double or single mastectomy, a survivor or previvor.

It can be because they chose not to get implants immediately or because they had to have their implants removed for one reason or another. An example of why they had them removed, they made them sick.

A friend just got diagnosed with breast cancer and said she wasn’t getting implants. I told her she would have to come with me to a Flatties meet up.

by Lsears February 10, 2022


Flattitude refers to the attitude of a proud, confident Flattie.

A Flattie is someone living Flat after a mastectomy generally due to breast cancer.

Did you she that Flattie in New York Fashion Week, she sure had Flattitude.

by Lsears April 26, 2024


When you’re part of the LGBTQ community and are in quarantine due to the COVID19 virus.

No worries, I’m staying homo sweet homo in self queerantine!

by Lsears March 21, 2020

9👍 1👎


When you’re part of the LGBTQ community and you are having to be quarantined due to the COVID19 virus epidemic of 2020.

I’m staying homo sweet homo to self Queerantine.

by Lsears March 21, 2020

6👍 1👎


A bougie witch.

My Myofascial realease therapist is such a bougie witch even her sage has a crystal.

by Lsears February 27, 2019

7👍 44👎