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A visually beautiful town.
However, home to the biggest wankas you will ever come across!

"How was the beach at Anglesea?"

"Beach was awesome, but that towns full of flogs!"

by Lucifer is my bitch May 11, 2021

1004πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Possibly the greatest state in this beautiful country of ours! However, the bogan central of Australia.. Anyone who has lived there long enough knows this.

Γ’Β€ΒœThe weather in QLD is perfect all year roundҀ

by Lucifer is my bitch September 10, 2021

364πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Snap off a deuce

To drop a huge turd in the shitter.

Gotta go destroy the bowl and snap off a deuce!

by Lucifer is my bitch January 10, 2022

287πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


An English term used to address someone who is a friend. Can also be used in a passive aggressive manner to address someone you dislike.

"G'day Barry, how are you mate?"

by Lucifer is my bitch April 19, 2021

699πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


A city full of crackheads and people who talk too much shit.

-"Did you go to Geelong?"

-"Couldn't wait to get out of there.."

by Lucifer is my bitch April 12, 2021

875πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Ned Kelly

The notorious Australian bushranger who constructed his own bulletproof armoured suit. The ignorant view him as a crook while most perceive him as a legendary Aussie hero and icon. Known for his famous last words "Such is Life" meaning that no matter what happens stress less, it's just life and we only get one. Ned was sadly hung to death on 11 November 1880, at just age 25.

-"Ned Kelly was an Australian legend"

-"Such is life mate"

by Lucifer is my bitch April 25, 2021

465πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Australian slang word for a Tradesman.

A labourer whom for most of there life, all day, every week-day, stands around talking utter bullshit and constructs part of a house for 75,000 peanuts a year. Aside from acting hard and earning fuck all, funnily think they are somebody special even though they do a job a 10 year-old could learn and do.. Commonly found picking there 17 year-old GF up from school in a clapped out ute/4WD.

"Did you catch that tradie in his Hilux with his retarded co-workers and 15 year-old girlfriend?"

"Haha yeah man, didn't you realize that's normal for them dead shits?!"

by Lucifer is my bitch April 20, 2021

600πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž