One who wrangles turds,Before your Partner take a dump you stuff your manhood in their ass to Wrangle some turds ie: homo
in nautical terms a Turd Wrangler would be know as an Ass Pirate
"i was up on Brokeback Mountain Wrangling Turds"
"dude your such a turd wrangler"
"Sven please hog tie me and wrangle my turds"
"Honey its Turd Wrangling Thursday, get the stick of butter"
25👍 21👎
One who Ejaculates in his partners ass,then dunks whatever object he has into the ass ie: a doughnut and procedes to eat such object.
This can be performed with most objects that are chewable
ie: Crayons, Alaskan Pipeline, Bag A Dicks
"Levi is a huge cum Dunker"
"Levi Likes to cum dunk his alaskan pipeline every now and then"
26👍 18👎