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Reeeeeee is an autistic mating call

Autism: reeeeeeeee

Girl: ah I hear someone wants to mate

by Lukesumm18 August 21, 2019

89👍 42👎


When your in Halfords and they ask if you want help but you know how to wield a ratchet and reply with roychee

I’m roychee bruv I know my way round a ratchet

by Lukesumm18 September 4, 2019


Pronounced as reck-a-deeeeshe
Means what happens when you get asked for a Morrison’s mall card and you don’t have one you then reply with reqedeshe

Machene: if you have a Morrison’s mall card please present it now

Person: Reqedeshe (I don’t have a card thank you)

by Lukesumm18 August 19, 2019


Another word for ones frenulum or ‘banjo string’

Husband: (hears rip) oh was that my turgis

Wife: honey pull out I think you’ve ripped your turgis

by Lukesumm18 March 10, 2019