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Poopy in the potty

Usually said in a lyrical way around friends to describe a necessary trip to the bathroom to complete number 2.

Johnny: “I have to go poopy in the potty.”
Laura: “TMI”

by LynnaBina July 22, 2019

Big, scary

Used to portray anxiety towards a person or event.

Alan: “Did you see that big, scary lady?”
Brenda: “That big, scary lady was a drag queen!”

by LynnaBina July 22, 2019

Baba Wawa

Descriptive phrase used to tell someone you need water. Usually used when you are so parched and dehydrated that you cannot formulate words properly.

Gabriel: “I need Baba WaWa”
Andy: “yeah dude, I know it’s 95 °. Let’s go to the gas station and buy a bottle of water.”

by LynnaBina July 22, 2019