Source Code

rim biter

Like a tank skank or car slut

A moralless female lacking in self respect, usually named Edina, that uses men for a ride.

Edina is a dirty rim biter, she was on Jimmy's bike last week now she's on this guys bike...

by M I S S R E V E N G E ! April 26, 2018

423👍 3👎

whore cry

A whore cry is when a moralless whore gets caught cheating on her boyfriend with his mate & instead of just admitting that she's a filthy slut she makes up an elaborate LIE about how "it wasn't her fault" & "he forced himself on her"

It takes a special breed of whore to falsely accuse a man of such a vile act instead of taking responsibility for living the hoe life.

"Have you's heard the shit that the Slut Edina has been spreading?"
"Yep, I swear she's got a DEATH WISH! & she just keeps digging her grave deeper"
"Whore cry.... she should have known better lol"

by M I S S R E V E N G E ! September 3, 2018

339👍 2👎


mor.al.less MORALLESS

A moralless female lacking integrity.
Often named Edina.

Lacks family values.
Often a homewrecker.
A compulsive liar.

Edina is a moralless whore with no respect for herself or anyone else. She claims to have strong family values but has no problem trying to fuck a married man & destroying someone else's family.

by M I S S R E V E N G E ! June 26, 2018

407👍 4👎

Side Bitch Stalker

A Side Bitch Stalker is a delusional female, often named Edina, that was unable to wreck a relationship & steal a man. A bitch that came in 2nd place to the woman he wants to spend his life with.

Once the desperate side bitch discovers how irrelevant she is/was & realizes she's been blocked on all his social media accounts, Her (& her mother) then stalk his partner's social media trying to reignite old drama.

Side Bitch Stalker stalking still.... Fuck you must me miserable with your lonely life?....

You were irrelevant then, still irrelevant now.

Girl bye!! & tell your Mum I said Hi 😂

by M I S S R E V E N G E ! August 7, 2018

372👍 5👎

Tank Skank

Like a car slut but for motorcycles

A tank skank will go out on one guys bike & leave on his mates bike.

She'll stalk his life & add all his riding buddies on Facebook & let them all take turn with her.

"Edina is such a tank skank, she'll hook up with anyone that rides"

by M I S S R E V E N G E ! May 18, 2018

429👍 3👎

Bike slut

A Bike slut is just like a car slut but for motorcycles also referred to as a tank skank.

A thrill seeking female, often named Edina that uses men for a ride on their bike, & gets even more thrills from chasing men that are in relationships.

Edina is the biggest bike slut everrrr... She fucked him & all his riding buddies

by M I S S R E V E N G E ! June 21, 2018

414👍 4👎

Spoon fed hoe

A spoon fed hoe is a grown ass immature female that was born into the hoe life, often named Edina .

Raised without morals & respect, the spoon fed hoe has no problem cheating on her boyfriend with his friends or trying to steal another girls boyfriend.

The spoon fed hoe has never had to work for anything or take accountability for their actions coz mummy always picks up the pieces & defends her slut antics.

If you didn't raise your daughter to be a spoon fed hoe she may have some respect for herself, her vagina & other people's relationships & you wouldn't have to make yourself look stupid for defending her skank ass.
Who knows, she might even grow up & get a job instead of chasing pipe dreams.

by M I S S R E V E N G E ! August 12, 2018

368👍 3👎