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From Dictionary.com

"A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism."

Sound like USA? Well let's have a look...

Dictator: George W. Bush
- America suppresses the opposition through media censorship. Anything the opposition says, America will use media to regard it as propaganda and therefore censor it.
America also uses Military as a method of terror to provoke the Middle Eastern countries such as Iraq and Iran. As for belligerent nationalism and racism, since 9/11 the American Government held an anti-muslim stance and used media to spread this idea. Publically they would appear to be accept of muslims but behind public eyes, their own agenda would tell a different story. For example the invasion of Iraq and seizure of their oil fields (What's wrong with giving the oil field back to the Iraqi people?), and possibly Iran to be next because of their nuclear capability. Despite the fact that America has their own nuclear capabilities far greater than any other nation.

The use of the media plays a strong role in fascism, especially in the developing of the belligerent nationalism and racism.

Example: The American government explaining to the world media their purpose in preparing their troops for a possible attack on Iran. Their concern being the nuclear capabilities of Iran. What they fail to mention is that on the other side of the world, from the Eastern point of view, America already has nuclear capabilities and enough of it to destroy their country with 1 word, and that word is "Fire!"

by M U N G April 12, 2006

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