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A very creative, interesting and entertaining TV show about three sisters who are witches (not three witches who are sisters). It has great acting and funny as well as dramatic and action-packed plot lines. And it dosn't "poke fun" at Wicca. While the demons and warlocks are made up, there are many time honored Wiccan traditions shown in the show that show that the religion is not Satanic or the a form of the Accult. I would know this as a practicing Wiccan and a watcher of Charmed.

Example #1:
Me: Okay, I admit it, I cried when Chris died in Charmed, I mean...He died in his father's arms. How sad is that?

A friend: It was sad, and totaly real, because of how great they wrote and acted it.

Example #2:
Poser Witch: Charmed makes fun of Wicca, I'm gonna do a spell to rid the world of it. *sneers*

Me: Charmed does not offend Wicca, and real witches know that magick should not be taken lightly!

by M. C. N. April 14, 2006

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