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Lady Juices

Girls that can rocket ejaculate out of themselves by masturbating really hard and frantically- most of the time legs spread open as far as they can go, and fingers in- letting out squirts- spraying down the camera or what is in front of her- making the camera shot- drip with the wetness, over her bed or whatever is in front completely socked.

-meaning that she squirted girl-cum all over the place.
Used in the Nevaeh Saga by Marcel Duriez

'Ava- she sprayed her 'Lady Juices' all over the dash.'
Used in the Nevaeh Saga by Marcel Duriez

by M. R. Duriez October 5, 2018

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A dirty book

A book that some feel has content that is not for 17 and under, over sex and using profanities.

she lost her virginity at 10, oh my- what- A dirty book, it said she came.

by M. R. Duriez October 9, 2018

Fake and Gay

What it is to be Fake and Gay

When you don't understand something over being uneducated- or have lack of, in that something you don't want to do, or made to do, it has now become (Fake and Gay) to you and your friends.

''I don't want to read that book,' why- 'because it's fake and gay.''

What it is to be fake and gay.

"I don't get it it's fake and gay.''

"If you like what I don't then your fake and gay."

by M. R. Duriez November 6, 2019

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Nevaeh Saga

Longest Novel book that would be awesome for anyone using Urban, would love to read.
By Marcel Ray Duriez

Nevaeh Saga is not fake and gay over it's about things we find fake and gay in this world.

by M. R. Duriez November 6, 2019

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A Tard

A Tard equals sped-
A tard- a clean way of say retards within a book.

Like, stop being a tard.

or look at that f*ck- tard over there, acting all sped.

by M. R. Duriez October 10, 2018

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Womanness means harry puss, over here feminism as a little girl she wants to act as womanly as possible- and in anti-rights- its a joke she would stop shaving- underarm, legs, and vag... showing her real womanness.
Not wanting to act like a little girl anymore- and grow up for a boyfriend when she is far to young to be a woman.

Look, Megan- is showing her womanness today.

by M. R. Duriez October 9, 2018

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Is a girl that your not sure whom she really is, a girl that is in your head, and you can get her out of it, more than a friend yet may have only met once yet see her in your life as the one.

Hey, Issi- I am calling you that over the fact were dating and yet I don't know you, yet you're my lover.
Issi is a pet name for all girls that are nameless

by M. R. Duriez October 5, 2018

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