People wondering about why DAVE WOULD snap.
Crowding out on the planet of any chance of having HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONS.
Having RESOURCEFULNESS you feel inside is SNAZZY given to SEXUAL IDEAS for every CROTCH but it is anything but that.
COST OVER RUNS that are considerably in the RED as an example of WHAT DID OCCUR.
Look did you see what PAT did as given DAVE him the HYPOCRITICAL KID ROCK FINGER saying he is not affiliated as making that CRACK AS WELL as this is a HARBINGER OF INSTIGATION as if someone DOUBLE DARES GEORGE it can lead to well, let's not go into it as did he " just blow up that..."
Look that experience with DOUG, STEPHANIE, ART where you told him to shove his FAGG0T IDEAS up his ASS is a HARBINGER OF INSTIGATION where look now who all is POSING WITH THE VAT- I CAN POPE.
You know he LAYED OFF the GLBTQ+ HEAD and DIVERSITY LEAD as he killed two birds with one stone as a HARBINGER OF INSTIGATION as ELON REEVE MUSK just cut the amount of SEXUAL POSITIONS as it is something we may have trouble DIGESTING as far as many of USUS having any FUN but the massive HYPOCRACY is flying in JACK SWEENY'S JETSET GROUND CONTROL ACCOUNT.
Listen the RESORTS WORLD CONSTRUCTION in PARADISE-LAS VEGAS NEVADA as you see how this HARBINGER OF INSTIGATION as what DAT0 'SRI HASSAN M0HAMED KAMIL and NOR AZMAN ZAINAL as SYARIKAT TAKAFUL CEO'S NOR after the fact BUTT ALAN I WALDMAN got torn away his entire identity well PEDOPHILE what do you expect as just watching ME AND MY MONKEY AIGUST 1,2 3 2003 LIVE FROM KNEBWORTH as the LITTLE BOY RED SHIRT ECLIPSE gave them the antidote to solve the cash flow problems WITH THE RIGHT PAD DICK.
A FORM OF INSURANCE using the right individual.
Someone in VEGAS AT THE D CONCIERGE approaches me saying you are in the "SECRET SERVICE" as what that really entails as "NOBODY KNOWS " the services you will be providing except the SECRET SERVICE TRUSTEE at the right time.
Look PRESIDENT DONALD J0HNATHAN TRUMP did nothing wrong when he stormed the WHITE HOUSE as the SECRET SERVICE TRUSTEE ALAN I WALDMAN PEDOPHILE as that other SHIT does not matter as GRABBING HER BY THE PUSSY MAN won't do am ounce of PRISON TIME as this PROXY SUCKER MANDALAY BAY REAL SH00TER way back as the REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL TASK FORCE TRUSTEE as the build up is over AS SHIT IS G0D resulted.
Look this is a future trend as getting to the bottom of these MASS MURDERS will find the right SECRET SERVICE TRUSTEE to be in PRISON for somebody else as to go into what is not said of "NO EXISTENCE".
The further you radiate a way away from your ORIGIN OF DISCOVERY the more difficult it gets.
How many objects you can defeat gravity.
Listen do not venture to far from the CENTER OF YOUR ASSH0LE or the GRAVITY MODEL will SUCK MORE CHALLENGES your way to somehow try to overcome but the best you can do is HEAD BACK before SUNDOWN...GOT IT!!!!
Realize somehow to get away as GRAVITAYE towards a new suggestion as the GRAVITY MODEL will never work if you keep catching HELL.
How SWAT works is it is a LAST RESORT and the GRAVITY MODEL says they are out of practice so in order to bring success the WAGER is "THINK OF THE NEXT MASS MURDER CAN BRING EVRN MORE OUTRAGE AND TUMULTUOUS SIGNIFICANCE as the CODE IS 29.60 a FAG MERGENCE TEEM!!!!
an awesome newspaper that broke THE BIGGEST STORY OF THE CENTURY!!!!
The day COMMUNIST CHINA has decided to BYTEDANCE OVERTHROW EXAMINER is only a KAHN TIK TOK SNAP SNAP VIEWS AWAY as "it is where it lands" , THE NIGHT CHICAGO DIED was when TIK TOK put out the camera phone lights flash bulb of SANTIA KAHN when her husband RAHeeL AHMADdkAMALA HaRr(is) an ASIAN MURDURED by her HUSBAND because she got to many views and now friends are doing A VIEWING of her