Slooed in a word means Cussed..
Ganstas/Jamacans tend to say it
"Manz you got slooed dat day, you lucky he never had his gat dat day"
3π 5π
When you keep crapping liquid all day; really bad diarreah. Like Harry from Dumb and dumber.
Yo, my ass is raw cause i had jet ass all day!
7π 9π
1. (A.) Said of a movie which is almost exclusively designed for females. See chick flick. Used in a negative connotation.
Man, my girlfriend conned me into seeing "Mona Lisa Smile" was totally chickflickalicious!
3π 2π
That crazy chick who cut off her husband's penis with a kitchen knife in the mid-90's.
It worked out for him in the end because he became a porn star for awhile after it was surgically repaired, and appearing in films such as {Frankenpenis}.
"I never trust a b****, I blame Lorena Bobbitt."
97π 74π
Used when an appropriate title cannot be ascertained. Or: In the subject bar of an email when no title is deemed worthy.
426π 209π
Great MLB player who some jackass @ decided to hate on. Probably a Pirates fan who is mad that Crosby was a better rookie last year then Jason Bay.
Bobby Crosby will be an excellent player 10 years from now. Jason Bay will be retired.
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