Source Code


A TBB is a true best friend that you can always count on no matter what. it is someone that you look up to, and someone that will always have your back. You and your TBB should have an infinite amount of inside jokes, and code names for ugly people. Your TBB is basically the closest person in the world to you. even closer than your SIBLINGS! you care about your TBB more than anybody in the whole entire world, and you are willing to do anything for them. you always support your tbb no matter what, even if the like pot heads, or creepers. your TBB thinks everything you do is perfect, and nobody and nothing can stand in between you and your TBB. TBBs for life!!!

Miley and Mandy
Lizzie and Miranda in lizzie maguire
Aly and Aj
Selena Gomez, and Demi Lovato
these are all TBB's.

by MC the TBB December 20, 2009

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