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mclean high school

totally kick ass school, some rich kids, but nothing compared to those langley whores. everyone thinks we suck at sports, but fuck u, we beat u in cheerleading, baseball, and at the first guys basketball games (u fckin langley fairweather fans--yeah that was me yelling)...our football program is gettin a hell of a lot better cuz of coach rivera comin (hes a beast)...got a few freshman sluts (cough marissa cough) and a few bitches (cough kimby cough) but i mean u compare 2 stupid girls to a school full of em...im damn glad im a highlander

H-I-G-H-L-A-N-D-E-R-S oh yes cause we are the best!!!

by MCLEAN KICKS ASS!!!! April 22, 2005

169👍 210👎