He is The rythm guitarist for My Chemical Romance. His old group was called Pencey Prep, which he was the lead singer for. He lives in Bellville, New Jersey and has 3 dogs. He is currently in a SERIOUS relasionship with Jamia Nestor. He has a fetish for kissing Gerard Way, but he is NOT bi or gay. He smokes, and has a Gibson Les Paul (which is a type of guitar) that says 'Pansy' on it, and another one that says 'Texas'. Of course he is a TOTAL hottie, and he has so many tattos that he doesn't have a favorite. Oh, and I don't SUFFER from having an obbession with him, I ENJOY every minute of it. He rox my sox <3
Waitress- May I take your order?
Costumer- Yes..can I have a Plate of umm...Frank Iero?
W- Ok, what about your side dish?
C- OH yes..what are the choices?
W- Well todays special is some delicous Gerard Way right from the oven..or if you want something a little more tender, how about some Mikey Way? The Mikey comes with coffee on the side!
C- I'll take some Mikey then!
W- Mikey it is!
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