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Verb Trump, Trumped, Trumping

Trump 1 = A British term for the expulsion of flatus (both loud and silent) from the anus that can have disastrous consequences if the event follows through. Often heard in conjunction with the London Urban term Donald (Donald Ducked = F@#ked)

Trump 2 = From at least the 17th century the term means fabricate, devise, deceive, cheat.

Trump 3 = From the French Trompe Tromper a quack or mountebank that uses a horn to attract attention and draw in unsuspecting victims

Trump 1

Now that the Trump has followed through the person is Donald.

All I can say is Donald Trump

In mathematical terms it becomes a circular equation : Donald (Donald Ducked = F@#ked) continues to Trump (Trump = Anal Flatus Expulsion) therefore if a Trump follows through you are Donald which leads to Trump that follows through and you are Donald and continues on until the issue of Trump is removed.

Trump 2
The Director was fired on Trumped up allegations of incompetence

The President continually looks inward and uses Trumped up stories in order to deflect the truth and his own abject failures

The Press Secretary took to his job literally when he was told to Trump something up for the daily briefings

Trump 3

By now you would have thought someone would have read the meaning of the word and taken heed instead of putting up a wall between the Trump and the Truth

by MD France May 12, 2017