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Word used to express relief, being tired or express awareness of something being smelly or near overwhelming. Can be used in conjunction with the word "wee".

I.e. "Phew wee! The trash should be taken out before the guests arrive."
"Phew, that jog took a lot out of me."
"Damn, check her out. Phew wee, that woman is incredibly attractive."

by MFPyro August 10, 2017

8👍 11👎


A term used to express having something perfected or easily obtainable.

As in: Locked down, perfected, dialed in, set in stone, definitely, with out a doubt, for sure, absolutely, got it down.

"Did you learn how to type yet?"
" Man I got that sh*t on-lock! I'm the best!"

"Does your friend paint well?"
"Oh yeah, her skills are on-lock."

"Can you find propane?"
"I have the best supplier on-lock."

by MFPyro August 10, 2017

87👍 12👎