The real story of Hooah. On D-Day the Rangers were given the mission to take the outpost at Point du Hoc which overlooked the entire Omaha Beach Area and provided the Germans the perfect observation position to direct devasting artillery fire. As everyone knows, when we landed at Omaha Beach, our forces were being cut to pieces. Some Rangers managed to get in rather close but had to scale a cliff to get up to the objective. With no officers in the immediate area, a Ranger sergeant seeing some some Rangers at the base of the cliff,yelled, "Hey! You Rangers get your fucking asses up that cliff," to which one of the Rangers looked incredulously over his shoulder at the Sergeant and said...."Who,us? And the rest is history. "Who,us" in 1944 later became the modern Rangers...Hooah.
Today, Hooah means about anything you want it to mean and the meaning variations are expounded through voice inflection.
Told to me by the Command Sergeant Major who served in the 75th Ranger Regiment, Fort Benning, Ga.
Whether or not its true, it sure puts some real world meaning to the origin.
When you ask a Ranger wife if her husband returned from a long TDY yesterday, her response would probably be mmmmm..Hooooooahhhhhhhh..ohhhh..ahhh
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