MGK stands for (Marshall Gonna Killme) the white rapper MGK who LOVES tattos recently released his diss track Rap devil on the rap god Eminem himself and got roasted by Eminem's reply diss track Killshot which made him look like the new wierd kid at school, honestly, we should give a moment of silence to white rapper MGK for sacrificing his career to bring back Eminem and letting him release Killshot, bye bye MGK...
Wierdo: Yo bro Rap Devil roasted Eminem and is way better that Killshot
Me and every person who has a brain:*facepalm*..... this is why aliens don't visit us.....and they're right...
Wierdo: Yo bro MGK's Rap Devil roasted Eminem and is way better that Killshot
Me and every person who has a brain:*facepalm*..... this is why aliens don't visit us.....and they're right...
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