Source Code


A TV network all about technology, hence the name TechTV. In my opinion the best thing EVER on TV! It has been purchased by Comcast who have now merged it with their network G4. Now it is called G4TechTV. The network is now all about games and technology. Comcast cancelled the feed of this internationally; sign the petition to get it back at www.savetech.tk if you will no longer get it!

Did you watch The Screen Savers on TechTV last night?

No, I couldnҀ™t have it is gone :'( but I saw it on G4TechTV

by MIKE June 20, 2004

83πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Again coined by Elusive of TeamFHA.Com. In his day job working in Network Operations at an ISP he sees a lot of incompetency. This word was coined out of his frustration and describes those individuals who do not take the initiative to get out of bed let alone better themselves at their jobs.

1. Incompetent fuck
2. Deadbeat loser
3. Imbecile

Tom: Where's Lou?
Mike: Ahh, that fucking shitpimple wouldn't come to work because his tire spun on a dog turd.

by MIKE January 27, 2005

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


someone who is half black & half italian
wop/nigger =wopper

by MIKE August 21, 2003

33πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

lexipoeia, or lexicopoeia

lexipoeia, or lexicopoeia n (Gr. lexis, "word, phrase, expression," from legein, say, and Gr. poiein, "to make or compose") Ҁ“ word-composition, word-creation; the minimal genre of literature, the art of composing a single word, a neologism (from roots and combining forms)

There are many sorts of neologisms: new brand names, scientific terms, political or technical jargon, colloquialisms, and slang. When a word is composed for the word's sake, as a manifestation of its beauty, this genre of verbal creativity is called "lexipoeia."

by MIKE December 26, 2003

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Christopher Columbus High School a school in miami where the kids eat shit all day and learn from some of the coolest teachers and we hate the Belen fags.

mr.delgado taught us world history and shit about chicks in CCHS

by MIKE February 9, 2005

129πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž


School in Miami that is more fucking awesome than Belen...I dont recall Belen making top 50 High Schools in Miami do I? We arent fucking fags like the Belen guys. If they think we all suck than they can kiss our asses.

CCHS is hands hands down best school in Miami.

by MIKE April 25, 2005

85πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž


1:Tits & Ass
2: Total Non-stop Action which is an NWA opporated wrestling organization

Trish stratus has great TNA
NWA TNA rules the WWE!

by MIKE March 17, 2004

684πŸ‘ 422πŸ‘Ž