Source Code

Cell block D

Used to house the most violent criminals in Alcatraz

Yo, my boi just got 30 to life fo a crime he dint commit. Dem pigz sent him to Cell block D.

by MIKE D November 14, 2018

Pilot Wings

The blood stain left on sheets after popping a girls cherry. Which when done in a missionary position, leaves a shape resembling red pilot wings.

"I hope my girlfriend got her sheets cleaned before her mom has a chance to see the pilot wings"

by MIKE D December 7, 2004

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


-hair that is curly and matted, in desperate need of a trim

-with short faded hair, when the bottom starts to get a curl to it, typically at the 1/4" length, making it necessary to break out the #1 clippers.

damn shaggy! you need to go cut that cuckus

by MIKE D August 11, 2004

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it is a rather complex word used in place of a phrase such as yeah right

hey do you want to suck my dick "ahhfff"

by MIKE D October 20, 2003

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1. expensive skater brand clothing

2. affectionate name for your penis

she tugged on my billabong real hard

by MIKE D June 2, 2005

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An old man describing the act of masturbation.

"I saw ya boy, you was yakina!"

by MIKE D February 28, 2003

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An old man trying to describe the act of masturbation.

Your grandfather walks in on you and says: "I saw you boy, you was yakina!"

by MIKE D March 15, 2003

3๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž