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Wan Di Eggo

One of three major God's of the religion of Free Aloysius. He is one in three with Chris DiBrino and Mark Chavez. Don Hock is currently the general who is the livingly Wan Di Eggo.

We offer our endless war with the Habbits to you our lord, Wan Di Eggo.

by MIke November 13, 2004


If you are told you and a friend of the opposite sex are now together you are simply closer friends. This does not mean you are dating or exclusive friends. You are simply trying to get to know each other more without limiting other options but in hopes of becoming a couple. Actions will include talking more and hooking up.

We're not going out but we are together.

by MIke March 29, 2005

71πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž

sparkling mermaid

When a guy dumps his load on a girls face, then slaps her with a fish

My face hurt after he gave me a sparkling mermaid.

by MIke February 3, 2005

325πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


To incorporate the use of Botox injections into your daily lifestyle

M.C.Sneed decided that she wanted to look younger, to gain that she visited her Dr daily to receive injections of Botox. She now looks like she has a vacum attachment that is operational stuck to the back of her head

by MIke March 7, 2005


To incorporate too much botox into your daily lifestyle

M C Sneed decided that she wanted to look younger, to gain that she went to her dr daily to receive injections of Botox and now looks like she has a vacuum that is turned on attached to the back of her head

by MIke March 7, 2005


funniest. word. EVAR.

While playing scrabble, I spelled handjob for 57 points.

by MIke September 15, 2004

103πŸ‘ 191πŸ‘Ž


1. A gesture made between acquaintances, upon agreeance that they have just reached a state of euphoria, after smoking some high quality Marijuana, commonly known as, "Good shit".

2. A non-chalant gesture made between friends, spoken with absolutely no meaning, to anything, whatsoever.

1. guy 1: Duuuuuude....man.
guy 2: Yeah man, that is some wack shit yo.
guy 1: Yeeeeeeeeeeah man!

2. guy 1: Dudeman.
guy 2: What?
guy 1: Oh......ah.......nothing.
guy 2: WTF?
guy 1: No man, I was just saying "dudeman".
guy 2: I recagnize.

by MIke March 13, 2005

10πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž