Doylestown has many things to offer ; nice houses, mountainesk landscapes and beautiful farms covering much of the area....and perhaps one of the underestimated drug and alcohol seens in PA. If you are an outsider, i would not recommend vising, unless you want to get your hands on an 8th, or a few handles, and that is only if you feel comfortable buying if from a 8th grader who stole the pot from his father and the alchy from his neighbors garage. And most likely, you will end up getting ripped off because thats what people do in D-town. If you drive here, hide your becaue they will key it, if you run here tie your shoes, cause they will steal your laces, and if you plan on moving here, they will romp your lawn, egg your house, and take a number two on your doorstep, all because they can, and think they could buy you if we wanted. Doylestown is a wonderful place to be, if you are from around here.
"What do you want to do tonite?"
"I dont know, same as usual?"
"SWEET! Lets get stoned and egg some faggits house!"
11👍 38👎