Source Code

Dick Check

1. A male Knowingly or Unknowingly thrusting his crotch into a oncoming ( usually Unaware person )

-- Similar to a "Hump" or "Crotch thrust."


Instead of a hip check or shoulder check....... dick check!

2. pwning a person with something unusual picture or text message.

1. "If that dude doesn't slow down he might DICK CHECK that person who's bent over!"

2. Jerry: Dick CHECK!!

by MRSD_beejay March 12, 2009

22👍 7👎


The absolute greatest of all things. The most beautiful woman you'll ever know. The panda. The Manda. Just an amazing human being.

You are the most prettimontiesous Panda I'll ever know.. thank you.

by MRSD_beejay October 21, 2021