The feeling that your will power or motivated to do work for some odd reason has gone from 0 to 100 in like 1 or 2 seconds.
Person 1: Why all of a sudden you jumped and are now on the computer doing your work?
Person 2: I don't know why, but I am feeling so aavony.
Any airline during the COVID pandemic who's main customers are Republicans and their supporters, who disapprove of the FAA mask mandate. The airline would in theory allow its passengers to not wear masks and flaunt the FAA mandates. The fleet of the airline would consist of aircrafts built around the time that Trump considered America was great (80s). Basically the fleet would be consisting of old, jet fuel guzzling Boeing 707's, 727's, and 747-100's.
On a real note... there actually were news reports of conservatives wanting to create their own airlines that would flaunt the mask mandates. But eventually these plans all ended failure for one reason or another, and not a single such airline was created.
1: Do you think there will ever be a conservative airline?
2: Nah, the FAA would probably ground any airline they found out was flaunting the mask mandates, and probably revoke the airline's licence to fly.
A female breast that has a mole on it.
Jame's girlfriend has a very big mole on one of her breasts, or should we say molboob.
A political presidential map term that is used to describe how the democrats won the election in the western united states. If looked at on the 2020 presidential election result map, it represents a hook like shape. It was created when Arizona voted democrat in the 2020 presidential elections.
The term is a "spinoff" from a term used to describe the democratic party winning states between 1992 to 2012 by creating a so called "Blue Wall".
The "Blue Hook" is made of the states Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. Colorado represents the tip of the hook, while Arizona representing the bottom arc of the hook.
person 1: Wow, Biden got Arizona surprisingly.
person 2: Yah, now it seems not only they have a blue wall almost back but look, they now even created a Blue Hook with Arizona.
Note to be confused with : " desert slut " or " legal Nevada prostitute ". These two words have very little relation to what desert whore means.
Basically a woman that has gone homeless in the middle of the dessert, that is trying anyway to get money to survive, rather it be being begging to pass by drivers, or by soliciting sex for money from pass by drivers.
*Somewhere on the road in death valey two people are in the car*
Person 1: Hey slow down, I think I see a very worn out tired looking woman asking for a ride.
Driver : Sure
*After slowing down*
Driver: Hi, are you asking for a ride?
Woman: Oh .. no thank you, I was asking do you have some spare change? If not, I am willing to have sex with you for $10.
*Driver rolls window back up with out responding, and speeds off*
Driver: That's why they say never to never stop for someone in the middle of the dessert. They are either a serial killer or a desert whore.
Person 1: Oh... Well I learned something new today.
The nickname given by coyotes and illegal immigrants to US Border and Customs agents that patrol the border.
This is because of their big vans that have powerful engines that make big noise, and the fact that no one can out run vans by running. Also the fact that there are Radical Republican Border Patrol Agents that don't mind killing illegal immigrants and act like monsters by separating children from their illegal immigrant parents.
Coyote: Ok we are now in America. So now....*stops talking*
*Lights of a big van turn on in the direction of the small group. *
Border Agent : *Screams on loudspeaker attached to van* "Stop where you are!"
Coyote: *Screams* " El Chupacabra de la Frontera!!!!!!!!! RUN my fellow Mexicanos!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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Basically a mixture of Poweraid sports drink mixed with red wine.
Person 1: What the hell are doing mixing things into that wine bottle we just bought?
Person 2: I am making Wineraid.