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Fried hard

(Philly) Nice/common way of saying "I don't want no raw damn chicken wings!" when ordering at the chinese store. Sometimes the cook will show you the wings before drowning them in condiments, putting the onus of the level of "doneness" on you.

Aye let me get 4 chicken wings.. FRIED HARD PLEASE with SPK and a homemade Iced tea.

by MTrain84 June 24, 2012

36👍 7👎


(Philly) Acronym for Salt, Pepper, Ketchup. Most often used when ordering or referring to a Chinese food order (Fried chicken wings). Salt, pepper, ketchup is the most common combination of condiments/spices. Therefore, the person taking the order would just write SPK to avoid writing it out all day.

Yo let me get 4 wings (Fried hard) with SPK

by MTrain84 June 24, 2012

40👍 23👎

Wordplay Petty

Rated "Class IV" on the Petty Scale, Wordplay Petty is the act of intentionally misconstrueing a normal word or phrase in order to completely change the meaning of the statement. This is typically done on the fly.

Z: You can see into my house! I hate this wide peephole!!!

M: You hate white people??

Z: I hate Wordplay Petty.. -_-

by MTrain84 March 21, 2017

Wordplay Petty

Rated "Class IV" on the Petty Scale, Wordplay Petty is the act of intentionally misconstrueing a normal word or phrase in order to completely change the meaning of the statement. This is typically done on the fly.

Z: You can see into my house! I hate this wide peephole!!!

M: You hate white people??

Z: I hate Wordplay Petty.. -_-

by MTrain84 March 21, 2017

1👍 1👎

The Fabio Treatment

Any freak accident where you get struck in the FACE. Especially when it serves the purpose of irony (as the case with Fabio). Life delivers "The Fabio Treatment".

"Did you see that guy face get hit by a bird while he was on the roller coaster???"

"Yeah. He definitely got The Fabio Treatment"

by MTrain84 July 27, 2012