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Mud Shark

A mud shark is any white girl who, due to peculiarities in her psyche, dates only black men. There are two distinct types of mud sharks: ....but there's a third.


Type I Mud Sharks (the most common) are fat girls with little or no education who, rather than dating a white guy from the bottom of the heap, go for a mid range or low-end black man.

Type II Mud Sharks (less common) are good-looking girls (usually blonde) who are trying to make a statement by dating a black man. Usually type II's are trying to make daddy mad.

Type III Mud Sharks (now off the endangered species list) are MOSTLY girls with education who, are dating or married to a white guy majority are good-looking girls who are not trying to make a statement by secretly dating a black man. Usually type III's are not going public with this achievement and especially not trying to make daddy mad. AND WILL TAKE THIS TOO THEIR GRAVE!!!!

The most common Type III are teachers, bank tellers, bartenders, nurses, cheating wives, military spouses,single moms, Glifs, and the Queen of ♠️

That ho over there is a mud shark.

by MUD SHARK LUVER August 6, 2018

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