ussually white guys, with lifted trucks. listen to the newest rap, hardcore, rock.
example- KMK, Disturbed, lil' john etc.
-wear hates at an angle with the visor part fliped up. sometimes have a sign or symbol on it.
-wear skin and no fear shirts.
-jerseys, bandannas, or no shirt at all.
-generaly dress in all black.
-wear big rings, have plugs.
-ussualy seen in the OC, Califronia area.
-use the west side sign more often then needed.
-ussualy seen with black spiked hair.
-into metal mulisha
-wear sunglasses
-kind of in to them selfs
dirt bikes. smoking. drinking. weed. girls.
they dont really care about much. they Normally want to start something or get into a fight. puff there chest up to look bigger and/or tougher.
At a party*
josh-"Why is that Bro over there wearing his hat like that?" (in a loud voice)
Greg-"I have no idea. it looks so dumb."
Bro- " WhAt DiD YoU SaY FaGgOt?? YoU WaNt Me To BeAt YoUr ASS? HUH? what? what?"
1202👍 1027👎