Source Code

yOiNkS my man

when you scream

Wow, yoinks my man!

by M_TW May 19, 2019


something extremely rude,

Your behavior is Rudom.

by M_TW March 18, 2018


very nice kind and sweet. She cares for everyone. Sensitive and careful. She is loyal and will forgive you no matter what you do. she is one of the kindest people on the earth. Someone you want to be with

Estia is very kind

by M_TW February 27, 2018

7👍 1👎


a very kind,nice and thoughtful person. A person you want to be with. Even when she is angry she forgives very quick

Estia is nice

by M_TW February 25, 2018

toad in a hole

its food

toad in a hole

by M_TW February 25, 2018