A disease that is the leading cause of the need-a-hoe syndrome...it is a psychological disease that can strike not only men but also women who like women. Bitch dependency can not only cause but also lead to:
-Excessive phone calling to the bitch
-Extreme increase in masterbation
-Excessive Luxury spendin' as if u were pimpin on 22's
In few serious cases, patients tend to strike women on site if bitch dependency rate has an abnormal increase,if the bitch gains control of the relationship, and even if she ignores u in public
Ex Chris Brown and Rihanna
"Dat nigga got bitch dependency"
Nigga:"Hey mama..how u doin?"
Bitch:"Ugh nigga go take a showa!!"
"Look at dat trifliin bitch ass nigga he riden dat bitches nuts"
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