Source Code

Walnut Imprint

Arsehole... Shcvincter... Butthole... You know it.

'Check out my sweet walnut imprint!'

'Cor, my walnut imprint is SORE!'

by Machman January 26, 2009


a convenient mispelling of hotmail.com, which resulted in the birth of a new word... Probably describing a hottie in your inner circle.

'Yes, yes she is some serious Hometail.com'

by Machman January 26, 2009

Anal Bead-Seed

To use an anal bead and lose said bead within one's anus, thus 'planting' said bead.
(To reap what you sew)

'Why are you walking so wierd''Planted an Anal Bead-Seed.'

by Machman January 26, 2009

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n. A term used to declare Either:
1.) Someone beyond retarded, obviously a devolved/primal retard.
2.) Someone of a pre-school intellect
3.) Someone more retarded than a mongoloid child.

'Man, you are such a pretard.'

by Machman January 26, 2009


n. The art of performing Cunnilingus for fun, or a particular experience of Cunnilingus that was 'fun'.

'Oh my god manlads, I just had some smacklipping funnilingus.'

by Machman January 26, 2009

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The art of cunnilingus or eating vajay.
To smack her lips ;)

'That was some good smacklipping'

'Lipsmacking smacklipping!'

by Machman January 26, 2009


Although close to cunnilingus and funnilingus, not quite so enjoyable... The 'art' of administering oral sex to an infected vajay. - Not nice at all

'Oh my god man, what's up with you?!'
'I feel so bad, just got myself some fungilingus!' *vomits*

by Machman January 26, 2009