Derived from "pont/ponts"
Mediocre, bad, unworthy, pointless, meaningless, bereft of any ponts, lacking value, uninteresting, etc.
The opposite of "pontful"
My life has been really pontless since I lost my job
This cellphone is still working, but it's cheap and pontless
Amazon is a serious organization, but their way of treating employees is totally pontless
Usually (but not always) used as plural: ponts.
Ponts are entities (material or immaterial) that are used to show off and boost one's false sense of self-importance. Ponts can be mentioned, for example, during a conversation as a means of convincing your opponent that you are super cool.
Material ponts are usually possessions: a fast car, big genitals, five girlfriends, a golden watch, etc.
Examples of intangible ponts are: having met a celebrity, having seen Mount Everest, and so on.
"That boy from a rich family is full of ponts, he is always boasting."
"Save your ponts, man, you ain't gonna fool me with them!"
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