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Qua - Qua

Noun (person / thing / idea; whichever you choose)
1. "Gangstaa" female, one who would snap in your face in zig-zag motions making exxagerated head-bopping movenents.
2. Someone who would bitch at you for looking at them the wrong way, or for any other reason and then say "hol mah earrrings!"
3. A "White Qua - Qua" refers to a white person (female) who thinks that she is black and most likely ghetto because ignint people thing that that's cool.

Shaniqua, Latiqua, Bonifa Latiphah Sherrofah, Chlamydia, .......The Qua - Qua got her herr did.

by Mackenzie N August 25, 2006

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