Lovely, Sexy, Smart, Loving, Fabulous, Stylish, Sweet, Kind, Caring, Wonderful, Beautiful Goddess; The envy of every girl in the world with a porn star body and the face of a goddess. Also the world's great mother!
Check out Melissa!!
She is the bees knees!!
Best looking girl in the world!
Every girl in the world wishes she could be Melissa!
181👍 79👎
Empirically, "bricked up" often referred colloquially to the consolidation of a powder substance into a brick-like format to the degree that the narcotic powder , be it snow, hard, dogfood, tina, or whatever the fuck. Essentially, I felt compelled to report the true meaning as a factor stemming from my years of soaking in urban terminology. Apparently, alternative degenerate definitions deeming bricked up to have a sexual connotation indicating that a male has achieved a state of bloodflow to his johnson, however, in refined circles of gentleman scholars, "Bricked up" is a designation of the final result of packing of one kilogram of narcotic powder into a universally transportable and snortable state.
Salutations good lad, I have been laboring in the kitchen, water-whipping my pyrex, and am now pleased to inform you that I have 3 kilos of crack bricked up and ready for dispersal among the masses.
75👍 180👎