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Maine is a place where you get a good taste of everything. It has it's cities, yes, but thats not where the good stuff is. The good stuff is down on the coast catching lobster, hunting up north and trying to shoot the biggest buck, moose or anything else (legal or not) which is part of the fun. Maine is a place of small communities where everyone knows everyone and you can wave to everyone you see. The seasons allow for everything you'd want to do, ski/snowboard in winter, then go swimming in the ocean a few months later. Sunsets and sunrises take your breath away while you sit on the beach with your sweetie. Statistically, not ONE mainer can deal with a rubbernecking tourist driving 25 everywhere. You WILL deal with our burning tires, and you'll love the smell. We're somewhat sorry that we don't have time to pronounce all of our words the whole way start to finish, but we got better things to do than talk with you yuppies. Mostly, Maine is filled with people who take pride in whatever they do from the time they can walk 'til the day they're done. We're a different breed, so if you dont like us...leave. Maine truly is the way life should be ;)

In Maine it's wicked cold in the wintah, too hot in the summah, spring sucks cause its muddy, fall is cold but we get to hunt so it's alright I 'spose. 'Magin she's blowin sow-westley...I'll get my jacket.

by Mainer9 October 11, 2011

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